August 24 - 25, 2024. Please complete a Contact form to be added to our interest list.
Prerequisite: 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
This intensive 20-hour prenatal yoga teacher training will give the yoga teacher* confidence, wisdom and prowess to teach, guide and mentor prenatal yoga students in EVERY phase of their pregnancies. In this training we will cover:
Extensive prenatal anatomy and physiology including uterine ligaments, pelvic floor, placenta presentations and fetal presentations
The trimesters and trimester specific considerations
Optimal fetal positioning Indications/contraindications
Prenatal class sequencing
Incorporating a prenatal student into a traditional yoga class
Prop usage Yoga for labor and delivery
Proper pelvic floor activation
*This workshop is open to anyone interested in prenatal yoga and pregnancy. There are no prerequisites (200 hour TT, etc.). All are welcome.